Everyone is Into Smart Drugs Nowadays
“I wish I could grow a powerful, new memory!”
“I envy your creativity; I wish I had your brain!”
Do these statements sound familiar? Yes, they do, for this is how many people think. They are not satisfied with the way their natural brain operates. Instead, they keep hankering for some magic, which would boost their brain power. With enhanced brain power, they would no longer be ordinary, but extraordinary human beings!
Introduction to Nootropics
Innovative manufacturers, who understood this craving, came up with the idea of creating smart pills, smart drugs, cognitive enhancers, or brain boosters. The world recognizes them as Nootropics.
It was a Romanian neuroscientist, Corneliu Giurgea, who came up with this term, Nootropic, back in 1972. The term has its roots in Greek. Noos refers to the mind, while tropein refers to bend or turn. He advocated the manufacturing smart pills that would enable humankind to think and behave more intelligently, as well as remember better.
Some nootropics are available as over-the-counter products. You may be familiar with some of them, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, gingko biloba, Panax ginsing, rhodiola/roseroot, creatine, etc. Prescription drugs, include Waklert, Modalert, Artvigil, etc. Manufacturers emphasize that the easily available products are supplements containing requisite minerals, vitamins, and natural extracts. Caffeine and caffeinated products, however, are the most popular nootropics. People generally have a ready supply at home itself!
Reasons for Using Nootropics
People from diverse levels of society take recourse to nootropics. They have their own reasons for doing so. For instance, mentally handicapped people (suffering from sleep disorders, depression that is resistant to drugs, etc.) use them. However, they consume them under the vigilant eyes of a medical practitioner. In other words, the doctor prescribes nootropics as relevant medication for a certain period.
Users of over-the-counter brain boosters, are eager to improve performance in various aspects of their life. For example, students with average brains, are keen to establish a niche for themselves in a highly competitive world. Therefore, cognitive enhancers come in handy for improving scores in tests/exams. Similarly, sportspersons desire to improve focus and performance. Then again, some people are in cognitively-demanding jobs. Such people are desperate to possess good memories, increase concentration, and improve critical thinking. This way, problem-solving becomes easier. Brain boosters help people to be more motivated and productive, and get by on less sleep.
The human brain needs plenty of food and oxygen, to function well. In other words, this biological machine can operate only on a complete fuel tank. Nootropics permit a smooth flow of this fuel to every cell in the brain.
Similarly, every cell in the brain communicates with the other cells via certain chemicals. Nootropics keep the communication pathway open, and highly receptive to messages flowing in and out of the brain.
The blood circulatory system is susceptible to clogs and blockages. This can damage the blood vessels. Nootropics prevent this from happening, ensuring that the blood flow is smooth throughout the brain.
Nootropics encourage the brain to become more alert, productive, and creative. They even promote relaxation when the mind appears to be under great stress.
It does not take too long to become addicted to nootropics! It is always easy to convince the self that supplements can cause no harm. Similarly, there could be structural or functional changes in the brain. Therefore, cognitive functions, learning, behavior, etc., may undergo changes. This is specifically true for adolescents and young adults.
Then again, there could be side effects. One of them is psychiatric disorders, or even the temptation to become over emotional and commit suicide.